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Town of Douglas-Water Line – Material

Project No. CDBG. SM-CM-PF-21-017
Town of Douglas
Separate sealed bids for Water Line – Material will be received by Town of Douglas at the office of the Douglas
Town Hall, 55 Alabama Hwy 168, Horton, Al 35980 Until 10:00 o’clock (A.M. – P.M., S.T. D.S.T) July 17, 2023, and then
at said office publicly opened and read aloud.
Principle Work:
1. Furnish 3,400 LF 6” Ultra Blue PVC Pipe
2. Furnish 300 LF DI Pipe Class 250
3. Furnish 300 LF 12” Steel Casing Pipe, ¼ “ Wall Thickness
Furnish assorted fittings, valves and appurtenance as per bid form.
The Information for Bidders, Form of Bid, Form of Contract, Plans, Specifications, and Form of Bid Bond,
Performance and Payment Bond, and other contract documents may be examined at the following location:
Douglas Town Hall, 55 Alabama Hwy 168, Horton, Al 35980
Copies may be obtained at the office of Utility Engineering Consultants, LLC. located at 130 Southcrest Drive,
Suite 100 Homewood, AL 35209 upon payment of $100.00 for each set. [Said cost represents the cost of printing,
reproduction, handling and distribution therefore, no refund will be issued. – or – Any unsuccessful bidder, upon returning
such set promptly and in good condition, will be refunded their payment, and any non-bidder upon so returning such a set
will be refunded [$0.00.] The owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids.
Each bidder must deposit, with its bid, security in the amount of, form of and subject to the conditions provided in the
Information for Bidders.
Attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed and
minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract, Section 3, Segregated Facility, Section 109 and E.O. 11246.
No bidder may withdraw its bid within thirty (30) days after the actual date of the opening thereof.
A Pre-bid Meeting will be held on Monday, July 10, 2023 @ 10:00 A.M._ at _ Douglas Town Hall, 55 Alabama Hwy 168,
Horton, Al 35980. Bidder’s attendance is not required but encouraged.

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