City of Opp-Engineering
The City of Opp is accepting Requests for Qualifications from qualified engineering firms to
provide professional engineering services for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
The scope and services desired shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following:
CDBG Application Phase:
1. Preliminary Engineering including Cost Estimates, Preliminary Engineering Report, and
Maps for CDBG application;
CDBG Post-Application Phase, if applicable:
1. Design and Specifications including bid alternates;
2. Preparation of Bid Documents, Bid Advertisements, Bid Openings;
3. Obtain all necessary permits for project implementation;
4. Conduct Pre-Bid and Preconstruction Meetings; and
5. Engineering observation during construction work to completion to possibly include
preparing change orders and/or amendment paperwork, if applicable.
The engineering firm will be selected on a 50 point rating system. Selection criteria will be
based, but not necessarily limited to the following:
1. Recent specialized experience in CDBG-funded projects;
2. Reputation for personal and professional integrity and competence;
3. Professional background and caliber of personnel;
4. Capability to meet schedules and deadlines; and
5. Familiarity with the City’s existing needs.
Proposals are being requested in accordance with Common Rule. Each proposal will be rated
according to the aforementioned selection criteria.
Proposals will be received at the Opp City Hall Attn: Mr. Jason Bryan located at 101 North Main
Street, Opp, AL 36467 on or before 2:00 p.m., May 28, 2024. All professional engineering firms
who consider themselves qualified are invited to submit a proposal. The City of Opp reserves
the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any informalities or irregularities in the
proposal process.
Becky Bracke, Mayor
City of Opp