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City of Moundville-Engineering Services

Date: 4/18/2024
The City of Moundville will accept qualification statements from Alabama licensed
engineers for engineering services for a period of up to three years for public works projects to
be funded, in whole or in part, through federal or state grant programs. Project selection and
payment terms will be negotiated with the selected firm and shall be based on funding program
and City requirements.
The level and scope of services to be provided under part I will be determined by the
City Council. Examples of services which the consulting engineer must be prepared and
qualified to provide may include, but not be limited to:
1. Prepare preliminary engineering reports
2. Prepare project cost estimates
3. Support program administration activities as required
4. Develop design documents
5. Develop project specifications and bid documents
6. Conduct Pre-Construction conference
7. Review and approval of contractor submittals
8. Provide Resident Inspection
9. Provide reproducible plan drawings to the City upon project completion
10. Prepare operating and maintenance manuals
11. Conduct final inspection and testing
12. Additional services as determined by the City Council
This RFQ solicitation is NOT a specific fiduciary contractual offering. It is intended as a
satisfaction of basic State and Federal requirements for “open/competitive selection of
architectural and/or engineering services.” Resultant fiduciary contracts with the “selected” firm
will be based upon: 1) The Owner’s acquisition of projects and funding from any of the above
stated agencies; and 2) The ability of the Owner and RFQ process selected firm to negotiate a
mutually acceptable fee based upon project’s cost constraints. In the event that the first RFQ
selection ranked firm and the Owner cannot reach a mutual agreement on cost; the Owner may
undertake negotiations with the next highest scoring submitter. Additionally, during the threeyear period, the Owner reserves the right to:
1. Reissue RFQ’s if, in its opinion, market and/or circumstantial conditions warrant;
2. In the event of the inability of the “selected” firm and the Owner to reach an agreement
on a specific project during the three-year period, the Owner may either negotiate with
the next ranked submitter from the original RFQ, or issue a new RFQ.
Resultant contracts will be on a firm, fixed price basis, its amount to be negotiated with the
firm selected via the RFQ process. Architectural and engineering fees are set and reviewed by,
and subject to approval at rates usually set by the granting agencies, and/or are based on the
current U.S.D.A.’s Rural Development Agency’s “Approved Median Fees for Professional
Architectural/Engineering Services” scale.
Therefore, it is expected that the compensation for said services to be paid under this
RFQ for any project would not exceed the fees estimated in the project’s funded application;
and, contracts for said professional services may require review and preapproval by the granting
agency prior to execution.
By submitting qualifications, the consultant certifies that it is not a person or entity that
is currently disbarred from submitting qualifications for professional services agreements issued
by any political subdivision or agency of the State of Alabama or the federal government.
Prospective firms must provide proof of Active SAM status with their qualification submittals.
The project(s) shall seek to address a community need identified by the City; will meet
all local, state and federal regulations; and be designed in such a manner as to be constructed
within the City’s budgeted funds from all sources. Examples of project activities include but are
not limited to; water or sewer system improvements, rehabilitation or extensions; street and
drainage improvements; housing rehabilitation; and community or recreational facilities.
Proposals shall be evaluated on the basis of the following considerations:
1. Understanding of the requirements as outlined in this request;
2. Professional qualifications necessary for satisfactory performance of required
3. Specialized experience and technical competence in the type of work required;
4. Past performance on contracts with government agencies;
5. Proximity and availability of the firm to the project
All proposals will be ranked with the highest rated firm being offered an agreement.
Should it be impossible to reach a satisfactory agreement for services with the highest rated
firm, the City will make an offer to the second rated firm, and so on. Should it be impossible to
reach a satisfactory agreement for services with any of the consultants ranked on the basis of
this proposal, the City reserves the right to seek new proposals for service. The proposal must
contain the following parts:
1. Technical – describe the approach to be taken in addressing the types of project
activities outlined above.
2. Management and staffing – describe the management plan to be used, staffing,
configurations, etc. and provide resumes of proposed personnel.
3. Specialized knowledge – a brief description of the firm’s related grant experience
including contact persons and phone numbers for each referenced project.
Respondents will be evaluated on the basis of the written materials submitted and
according to the following factors:
1. Past experience with engineering design and construction 40
2. Past experience managing federal/state funded projects 20
3. Experience of proposed personnel 20
4. Current capacity to complete work 20
5. Proximity and availability of the firm to the project 10
Proposals will be reviewed by personnel appointed by the Mayor. No on-site interviews
will be conducted. Telephone interviews may be conducted.
Questions concerning the RFQ should be addressed to Josiah Gleason, project
administrator (205) 333-2990, extension 242. Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of
written materials. It is not necessary that the consultant attend the meeting at which proposals
are to be opened. Two copies of the proposal and required supplemental information are
requested to be provided.
Proposals should be received at the City Hall (410 Market Street, Moundville, AL 35474) by
12:00 Noon May 8th, 2024.
City of Moundville
410 Market Street, P.O. Box 98,
Moundville, AL 35474
Please state “City of Moundville 2024 RFQ Engineering Services” on the cover.

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