Town of Carrollton Sewer Line Repairs Project
Grantee Name: Town of Carrollton Sewer Line Repairs Project (ADEM CWSRF Project #CS010916-01)
Project Location: Carrollton, AL
Contact Person: Jonathan R. Bonner, P.E.
Phone number: 205-752-4037
Email: |
Address: 515 Energy Center Blvd, Northport, AL 35473
FSG: 46
NAICS: (if known) 237110
Solicitation Number:
(if known) N/A
Bid Closing Date: April 25, 2024 2:00 PM (CST)
Project Description: Identify and eliminate sources of infiltration and inflow within Carrollton’s wastewater collection system via video inspection, cleaning, de-rooting, installing cured-in-place pipe, cured-in-place manhole liners, manhole risers, and performing other sanitary sewer repairs.
Type/Quantity of
Materials/Services Needed: (if
Applicable) Cured-in-place pipe liners, cured-in-place manhole liners, manhole riser sections, video inspection, cleaning, de-rooting, and open-cut point repairs. (See base bid schedule in contract documents.)