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Street Resurfacing City of Headland


Separate sealed bids for BOYNTON STREET RESURFACING / CDBG PROJECT NO. LR-CM-RR-23-013 will be received by the City of Headland at the Council Chambers, 9 Park Street, Headland, Alabama 36345 until 11:00 a.m., local time, October 10, 2024, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.

The Information for Bidders, Form of Bid, Form of Contract, Specifications, and Form of Bid Bond, Performance and Payment Bond, and other contract documents may be examined at the following location: Headland City Clerk’s Office, 25 Grove Street, Headland, AL 36345 or Poly, Inc., 1935 Headland Ave., Dothan, AL 36303.

Bid documents in print may be obtained from the Engineer upon advance deposit of $70.00. The deposit will be refunded in full on the first set issued to each prime bidder submitting a bonafide bid, upon return of documents in reusable condition within ten days of bid date. Other sets for bidders and sets for nonbidders, may be obtained with the same deposit, refunded as above, less production costs. Bid documents may be obtained electronically via download of the plans and specifications from at no cost.

The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids.

Each bidder must deposit, with its bid, security in the amount of, form of and subject to the conditions provided in the Information for Bidders.

Attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract, Section 3, Segregated Facility, Section 109 and E.O. 11246.

No bidder may withdraw its bid within thirty (30) days after the actual date of the opening thereof.

A Pre-bid Meeting will be held on October 3, 2024, at 1:30 p.m. at the City of Headland Council Chambers, 9 Park Street, Headland, AL 36345. Bidder’s attendance is not required but encouraged.

Ray Marler, Mayor

September 19, 2024

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