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Construction of a Well-Northport

Bid Notification Data Entry Form
Complete this Data Entry Form for each contract to be separately bid. E-mail the completed form(s)
along with any attachment(s) in MSWord or text form to all INTERESTED PARTIES.
Grantee Name: City of Aliceville Water and Sewer Board Snoddy Well No.2 Project
(ADEM DWSRF #FS010372-01)
Project Location: Aliceville, AL
Contact Person: Jonathan R. Bonner, P.E.
Phone number: 205-752-4037
Email: |
Address: 515 Energy Center Blvd, Northport, AL 35473
FSG: 46
NAICS: (if known) 237110
Solicitation Number:
(if known)
Bid Closing Date: June 18, 2024, 2:00 PM (CST)
Project Description: Construction of a 1100 gpm backup production well, Snoddy Well No.2, at the site of
Aliceville’s existing Snoddy Well No.1 for increased supply capability and resiliency.
Project activities also include the construction of a well canopy cover, configuration
of piping, valves, and connections to the site’s existing treatment building, and
electrical service upgrades to include all site improvement items as shown in the
plans and specifications.
Type/Quantity of
Materials/Services Needed: (if
Production well development, including drilling well bore, installing surface casings,
cement grout, screens, gravel pack, lap pipe, 1100 gpm pump motor, step down
transformer, and electrical service upgrades and controls. Installation of 10” ductile
iron/cast iron pipe, 10” butterfly valves, 10” swing check valves, and 90-degree
elbows from well to on-site treatment building. Construction of concrete foundation
pads, well canopy cover, and footings (See base bid schedule in contract documents
for full quantity breakdown of materials and services needed).
InSite Engineering, LLC 23060.00
City of Aliceville Snoddy Well No.2
ADEM DWSRF Project No. FS010372-01

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