City of Thorsby Sewer Pump Station Rehabilitation
Grantee Name: City of Thorsby, Alabama
Project Location: Thorsby, Alabama
Contact Person: Angela Henline, P.E., The Cassady Company, Inc.
Phone number: (205) 330-0098
Address: 4700 Highway 69 North, Northport, AL 35473
FSG: ADEM CWSRF Project #CS010998-01
NAICS: (if known)
Solicitation Number:
(if known)
Bid Closing Date: 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid: Wednesday, August 7, 2024, 10:00 a.m.
Project Description: Sewer Pump Station Rehabilitation ADEM CWSRF Project #CS010998-01