City of Anniston-Grass Cutting/Lawn Maintenance
Bid Number (24-B-009)
The City of Anniston will be receiving sealed bids for the grass-cutting of each of the following substandard structures:
1. 15 Twine Street (PPIN#73993)
2. 100 Sunset Drive (PPIN#66103)
3. 314 West Oak Street (PPIN#18214)
4. 409 West Oak Street (PPIN#18406)
5. 2215 Ayers Drive (PPIN#22464)
6. 1915 Gurnee Avenue (PPIN#20445)
7. 1418 Pine Avenue (PPIN#18929)
8. 208 McArthur Drive (PPIN#76248)
9. 431 Chestnut Avenue (PPIN#18312)
10. 1108 South Leighton Avenue (PPIN#266747)
11. 2020 Christine Avenue (PPIN#21226)
12. 215 West 30th Street (PPIN#26038)
13. 2013 Christine Avenue (PPIN#61737)
14. 1220 Constantine Avenue (PPIN#67224)
15. 304 Blue Mountain Road West (PPIN#26084)
16. 428 East 22nd Street (PPIN#93300)
17. 119 Baxter Street (PPIN#66866)
18. 1325 W 12th Street (PPIN#2255)
19. 121 South Allen Avenue (PPIN#66208)
20. 812 West 14th Street (PPIN#19324)
21. 2730 Old Quintard Avenue (PPIN#25033)
A mandatory pre-bid conference will be conducted on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. CST in the Executive Conference Room, City Hall, 4309 McClellan Blvd., Anniston, Alabama, 36206. Bids will not be accepted from anyone who does not attend this conference.
Sealed bids will be accepted until Tuesday, May 28, 2024, at 9:00 a.m., Central Time, in the Executive Conference Room, City Hall, 4309 McClellan Blvd. Anniston, Alabama, 36206, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.
All bid documents are available for review Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at the City Clerk’s Office, City Hall, 4309 McClellan Blvd., Anniston, and AL. Copies of bid documents may be obtained from this office.
If there are any questions, regarding grass cutting, please contact Senior Code Enforcement Officer, Tana Bryant, 256-231-7733.
The City of Anniston reserves the right to waive any informality or to reject any or all bids.
Skyler Bass, City Clerk